8 handy neoprene templates for marking out the footprint of your woods, difficult terrain and buildings (or ruins) on your table. A great gaming accessory for your favourite fantasy war game.
Fantasy Forest Template Dimensions: 18 x 18cm, 18 x 18cm, 18 x 12cm
Difficult Terrain Template Dimensions: 18 x 13cm, 18 x 13cm, 15 x 15cm
Fantasy Building Template Dimensions: 15 x 15cm, 10 x 15cm
2 x Fantasy Building Templates
3 x Fantasy Woods Templates
3 x Difficult Terrain Templates
Terrain Crate: Sci-Fi Terrain: Neoprene Terrain Templates x8
Artikelnummer: MGTC238
25,00 €Preis
inkl. MwSt. |
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